StreamRotator is a script system that contains grabber and rotator modules for thumbnail and text sites.
The main goal that we put forward during development of the script concludes in the ability of getting maximum productivity from the site. For this purpose several of unique algorithms were developed and incarnated into code and each of these algorithms deserves patenting not mentioning the complex of them. Complex of these algorithms will simply change your conception about the rate of productivity, values of skimming and amount of money you can earn. This is not weightless words or self-advertisement — it is opinion of several testers that have been looking after the behavior of rotator installed at decades of TGPs during some months.

- This php script developed with use of mysql, gdlib, imagemagick, cron.
- StreamRotator’s compatibility was tested with majority of most popular trade scripts — ATX/AT3, TM3, TradeExpert, EasyTrade, and etc.
- Heap-tables are widely used in operation of mysql. In contrast to other types of mysql tables, heap-tables exist only at computer memory. It allows working with them many times faster than with ordinary data. In other words there are no queries to hardware sub-system during collection and processing of statistics.
- Fault-tolerant scheme of functioning with mysql. During mysql server fails rotator continues to operate at normal mode apart from one thing – views and clicks statistics is not collected and processed.
- Update system. You must do only one click in the administration area so as to update your script to the latest version. Reserve copying of scripts and database is done before every update, so in case of fail during update process, system will be automatically recovered to the previous working state.
- Easy and clear administration area. Most of users noted that grasped this script without using a manual. However, I strongly recommend you to read the manual.
- Minimal loading of the server. According to the almost full refusal of using hardware sub-system as well as fore-generation and caching of content, rotator uses minimum amount of server resources. It easily manages with rotation of decades and hundreds thousands of thumbnails.

- Grabber operates at background mode. It means that you need to put list of galleries to the grabbing queue only once and press «grab» button and script will do the rest. It will produce not great portions of thumbnails every minute. There is no need in your control or waiting.
- 2 operating modes — semi-automatic and automatic. The difference is concluded in the following. At automatic mode all grabbed thumbs immediately get into rotation and at semi-automatic only manually chosen thumbs (from previously grabbed thumbs) will get into rotation. There can be several thumbs for one gallery and only the best of them will be left.
- It grabs both — picture and movies galleries. And galleries that use redirect scripts in opening of them, galleries that contain links to the pages with pictures instead of pictures themselves (as it used to be) and other non-standard galleries.
- If thumb’s format doesn’t coincide with format of initial picture, then script creates several thumbs from different areas of picture. For example, thumb can have vertical format (height is greater than width) and format of initial picture is horizontal (width is greater than height) then script will create 3 thumbs cut from left, centre and right parts of the picture. Opposite situation is also available.
- Several attempts of grabbing of «problem» galleries. If script couldn’t grab html-code of the gallery or picture during first attempt, then several attempts of grabbing will be fulfilled after certain period of time. Partnership programs servers sometimes have got problems too…
- Watermarking of movie galleries thumbs. There is an ability to choose random logos and add them to random corner of thumbs…
- Own development filters. For example, strengthening of glares and clearing dark areas of thumb.
- Ability to grab only movie or only picture (or both of them) galleries for definite zones of rotation. For example, you can make a special set of thumbs on the main page only with only picture or only movie galleries. Besides, you don’t have to select exact FHGs for picture or movie sets while adding list of galleries, the script will do everything without your assistance.
- Crop Profiles. Set of crop profiles including brightness, saturation, type and location of logo for movie thumbs and etc. All these features can be saved in the profiles, number of which is not limited.
- Arrangement of tasks to the grabbing queue is random. The main reason in concluded in the following fact. As soon as first thumbs are grabbed, the script will immediately take them to rotation. All thumbs and galleries are grabbed in random order, so as to make site content at most multifarious.
- Time control for grabber execution. Time of script execution and amount of grabber completed operations for one step is estimated according to couple of criterions — not to overload the server and to make highest possible amount of thumbs for one unit of time. In other words, our script is not going to overload your server.

- Text and thumbnail zones of rotation are accepted.
- Determination of best thumb for every gallery. One thumb will be created for every gallery and after testing of all thumbs only the best one will be left for further rotation.
- Not unique surfers see different thumbs. Script tracks every surfer and imitates regularly updated TGP for him.
- Bad traffic (noref, nocookie, noJS, SE bots and etc.) and double clicks don’t affect counting of statistics. Clicks after N-th click (default setting is 8th click) are also not counted. So, different bots and other types of bad traffic won’t damage accuracy of your thumbs statistics.
- Adaptive speed of main page’s regeneration. It means that at small statistics rotation will be occurring very fast — rotator will select most popular thumbs for very short period of time and won’t waste your traffic for thumbs testing. And opposite situation, when all tests have already been processed, main page regenerates only once for 20 minutes so as to decrease loading of server.
- Counting click ratio of cells at background mode. At most similar scripts particular mode is needed for testing of cells popularity. StreamRotator don’t have such particular mode and this operation is processed at background mode. Script will try to give popularity coefficients for cells right at the beginning according to their location. At a later time it will be correcting them smoothly.
- Simple and flexible system of templates. Only one minute is needed to create the main page of the site. No manual numbering of links, thumbs places and other fiddlestick. There is ability of simultaneous use of coded and uncoded urls. For example, we use real url at alt and status, but we show coded one at link.
- Statistics of thumbs popularity (ctr, rank) is analyzed not for all time of thumb existence, but for the last N views. It allows to react at thumbs popularity changes more on-the-fly. It is important to note that statistics is not simply reset after N views, it is recounted smoothly without abrupt changes.
- Influence of particular types of traffic on rotator statistics can be switched off. For example, you pour additional traffic to your site. If your niche is different from the niche of traffic that you pour, then you simply send this traffic to particular url and it won’t influence on statistics of rotator.
- FTP module. It allows to store thumbs on another server.
Disclaimer: This software does not come with any warranty and we are not responsible for any damages you may incur as a result of using Stream Scripts. Stream Scripts has zero-tolerance policy against illegal usage of copyrighted content. Stream Scripts can not be held responsible for the actions of third parties that use copyrighted content illegally. We have no control over the content of these pages and we take no responsibility for the content on any website which is powered by Stream Scripts. Please address Your concerns directly to the respective owners of these sites.
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